The Season2Hunt app has added an improved, more user friendly best times to hunt or fish in your area feature. Check it out!
The Season2Hunt app has a new feature. Links to the state official hunting and fishing websites. All information is now at your finger tips on one app.
New links added to official state hunting and fishing websites
Don’t miss a lottery or permit deadline again. The Season2Hunt app sends you warnings when they are coming due.
Notifications of deadlines
Did you miss the Dec 10 turkey and bear hunt permit deadlines for Wisconsin? Buy the app and that will never happen again.
Please take the time to read the reviews of the app. On your phone, open the app before purchase, click on reviews(old version) and you can read the reviews. Please feel free to write a review. We are very interested in hearing from you.
Write or read a review
If you hunt in Wisconsin, you would have received notification on your phone of approaching deadlines. Check it out on facebook to see what it looks like. Purchase the app and make it work in your state.
Notifications for permit and lottery deadlines
Check out this video showing the features of the app. It’s also available on you tube.
Season2Hunt has added a video showing how the app works, check ...
Follow season2hunt on facebook and twitter for interesting information in the outdoor world
Season2Hunt on facebook and twitter
The Season2hunt app sends you notifications when permit applications are due, a must for North and South Dakota
North and South Dakota permit applications
Season2Hunt has 17 states covered by the app.